About Us
Authentic Indian dishes are a worthwhile experience. Each one is clearly distinguishable from the other because of its distinct features. Grill of India proudly offers you unique recipes which have taken centuries to perfect. We appreciate you for allowing us to prepare these age-old culinary delights. To achieve the remarkably impressive results, each dish is spiced to enhance the aroma and flavor. There are a basic 20 to 30 spices that are used in many dishes—cumin, coriander, turmeric, and ginger, to name a few—and there is an infinite number of ways of using them. The chefs have an excellent connection to Indian cuisine. They have therefore developed passion and understanding of both Indian and American cultures and the abundant aromas in each. The cuisine of India is one of the world's most diverse cuisines, characterized by its sophisticated and subtle use of the many spices, vegetables, grains and fruits grown across India. The cuisine of each geographical region includes a wide assortment of dishes and cooking techniques.

Tandoori cooking originated in Northwest India near the Pakistani border. This also is the birthplace of Grill of India’s owner Mr. Manjit. He learned his trade in Houston before coming to Michigan, where he has relatives.
The Singhs opened in the Lincor Plaza in 2003.
Providing a local fresh cuisine have always been our main objective. We use distinctive ingredients, techniques and dishes, and usually associated with a specific Indian culture. It’s great that this magical cuisine has established itself here.